
DIRK: (Don't act like you care, anyway, you're not even listening to Jane's speech.)

JAKE: (Im sure shes doing great. Shes got some good ideas you know.)

JANE: I want to address this issue.

JANE: I have no tolerance whatsoever for xenophobia.


JAKE: (Oh goddammit i think i really messed up.)

JAKE: (Youre here to laugh at me about my bad decisions arent you.)

DIRK: (I won't lie, shitting your pants on the campaign trail was a low point to live inside your head.)

DIRK: (But, I don't know, man.)

DIRK: (Maybe I actually care about you.)

JAKE: (Sniff.)

JAKE: (You can be a real jumping jehoshaphat sometimes you know that dont you dirk.)

DIRK: (What?)

JAKE: (A complete jimmy riddle! A real pickle of a man! An absolute pishposh, dirk!)

JAKE: (I just hope theres some way to undo this damned mess that the you that doesnt live in my head got all of us into.)